Pies and Cakes

Yoghurt Cake with Pine Nut Spread


  • 4 medium-sized eggs
  • 500 g plain yoghurt
  • 110 g type 1 flour
  • 70 g light brown sugar
  • 40 g acacia honey
  • 1/2 vanilla bean (seeds)
  • 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate

For the decoration


  • Separate the yolks from the egg whites; beat the egg whites until stiff (with a tablespoon of sugar removed from the total).
  • Beat the yolks with the sugar using an electric whisk, then add the honey, yoghurt and vanilla.
  • Add the sieved flour and bicarbonate.
  • Finally, add the egg whites to the mixture, stirring gently from the bottom upwards.
  • Transfer the mixture into a buttered and floured baking tin and bake in the ventilated oven at 180° for about 40 minutes.
  • Remove from the oven and allow to cool, then decorate by spreading the Cremadelizia Pinoli Babbi on the surface of the cake and, if you wish, finish off with dark chocolate chips and icing sugar.

The cake has a pudding-like consistency and is perfect for a tasty snack or an original dessert.


  • 4 medium-sized eggs
  • 500 g plain yoghurt
  • 110 g type 1 flour
  • 70 g light brown sugar
  • 40 g acacia honey
  • 1/2 vanilla bean (seeds)
  • 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate

For the decoration

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