Babbi Home Bakery - Gluten free Recipes

Gluten-free cupcakes

of Alice Balossi


For the cupcakes:

For the frosting:


  • Pour the Preparato per Muffin senza glutine Babbi Home Bakery (gluten-free muffin mix) into a bowl, add the butter and eggs and mix well.
  • Add a teaspoon of Pasta di Vaniglia Babbi Home Bakery (vanilla paste) and mix everything together.
  • Pour the batter into a cupcake tin lined with ramekins, do not fill them completely but leave an inch from the edge.
  • Bake for 25 minutes at 180ºC. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.
  • In the meantime, prepare the frosting: whip the cream and, when it starts to froth, add the sugar and mascarpone one spoonful at a time.
  • When the cream is firm, divide it into 2 bowls and add 3 tablespoons of Pasta di Pistacchio (pistachio paste) and Pasta Nocciola Piemonte IGP (PGI Piedmont hazelnut paste) Babbi Home Bakery, mixing from the bottom up.
  • Place the frosting in 2 star-tipped piping bags and fill the cupcakes.
  • Decorate with a teaspoon of pure Home Bakery Babbi Paste on top of each cupcake and sprinkle with dried fruit to taste.
  • And here are your cupcakes, delicious and gluten-free!


For the cupcakes:

For the frosting:

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