Sixty years of experience assure Babbi an outstanding knowledge of notions, tricks and secrets that represents a precious heritage.
Babbi technicians are experienced, original and creative professionals.
Entering Babbi factory in Bertinoro is a unique emotion, like entering the famous Chocolate Fabric, Made in Romagna.
You can attend the courses at the Babbi Academy locations in Italy (Bertinoro), Spain (Barcelona), and Germany (Augsburg).
Babbi organizes several courses at various level in Bertinoro headquarter: beginner courses suitable for those who want to open a Gelateria, and advanced courses, suitable for those who already run their own business but want to update and improve their knowledge in order to offer a wider range of products and services.
The ATTILIO Babbi GELATO ACADEMY boasts the best Italian ice-cream masters and confectioners.
Combining their skills, Babbi created a team of experts capable to meet every need of the market and customers.
The Babbi’s Sweetness Masters are a guarantee for your quality training and a fundamental support offered by Babbi for anyone wishing to open a business, but also to provide continuous and long-lasting training.