27 May 2020
Let’s reopen! (but safely)
- Use CLEAR INDICATIONS to inform clients about behavioral rules provided by your country arrangements
- AVOID mass gatherings
- Support the wait with an ASSISTANT or with a queue ticket dispenser
- If possibile, create a MANDATORY ROUTE from entrance to exit
- Make sure that your customers are equipped with their own MASK or provide them with a SINGLE USE ONE
- Provide SANITIZING GEL for the hands and possibly DISPOSABLE GLOVES
INSIDE the shop:
- SANITIZE the most used surfaces (tables, chairs, counter, touch devices, etc) whenever you can and after use
- Toilets must be sanitized more frequently
- Ensure that people are 1 meter away from each other in consumption areas
- Make DISPOSABLE ACCESSORIES available on the counter (scoops, spoons, wipes, etc.)
OUTSIDE the shop and Common Areas:
- DELIMIT the spaces with appropriate SIGNAGE and / or POSTERS
- DISTANCE the tables ensuring the respect of your country arrangements
- Provide sanitizing gels, disposable masks and gloves.
- SANITIZE THE TABLES every time after use by customers
- Encourage ordering through handheld devices, QR code, etc