Pastry Magazine Exhibit – Monopoli
On 15 and 16 October 2018 we will be in Monopoli (BA) at Pastry Magazine Exhibit: an exclusive event only for operators in the world of pastry, gelato and chocolate in which Babbi is an official partner.
The event aims at presenting new products and techniques, innovative ideas especially for master patisserie chefs, gelato makers and chocolatiers.
During the two-day event, there will be cooking shows by FIPGC – Federazione Internazionale Pasticceri Gelatieri e Cioccolatieri, demo and training events.
Babbi master pastry chefs ANGELO MUSOLINO and KATIA VIOLA will hold two demos:
- 09.45: Bases and semi-worked preparations for pastries: “Cold Pastries: cakes and mousses”
- 14.30: “Cold Pastries: vegan semifreddo”
Visit us at Pastry Magazine, Via Aldo Moro 44, Monopoli (BA)