Mistery Box Babbi iFood
A “mysterious” project for Babbi
No one can resist opening a mysterious package to find out what’s inside.
It is this uncontrollable instinct that lies at the basis of the success of the digital phenomenon of unboxing. Influencers, Youtubers and bloggers who inhabit the web are always ready to reveal, on their social network channels, the contents of products received from popular brands, allowing their followers to experience the same feeling as they do when revealing the surprise.
iFood, the Italian food blogger community on the Netaddiction network, now offers a “gourmet” version thanks to a collaboration with Babbi
Five foodbloggers from the iFood community, chosen for their affinity with the brand, receive a mystery box at home and share the moment they open the box on their social networks, with their followers through live stories on Instagram and Facebook, photos, posts and stories where they show the tasty contents of the packages. Each social activity is distinguished by the presence of the hashtag #ilovebabbi and the company is tagged to generate and increase Babbi brand awareness thanks to original and quality contents.
Once people’s curiosity has been satisfied, then the challenge begins: a real challenge among the food bloggers involved, to create the best recipe with the Babbi products placed at disposal. Two recipes each, for a total of ten recipes, in order to get the best use out of the products; the brand has sent the bloggers spreading creams (Cremadelizia) in a variety of flavours and preparations for hot chocolate drinks (Cioccodelizia).
The bloggers involved are:
- Valentina Pilia (http://www.acasadivale.ifood.it)
- Nadina Serravezza (http://www.pasticciandoconmagicanana.ifood.it)
- Mary Vischetti (http://www.unamericanatragliorsi.ifood.it)
- Erika Paravano (http://www.giochidizucchero.ifood.it)
- Valentina D’aniello e Manuela Bonci (www.dolcezzedivalentina.ifood.it).
Visit our social platforms to discover who will win this challenge!!!