The Creative World of Babbi and iFood
Cooking Show iFood with Cremadelizia Babbi
From 23 to 25 November 2018 at Bologna Fiere, there will be the trade show “Il Mondo Creativo” (The Creative World), the show for Creative Hobbies, Fine Arts and DIY!
Within this show, you are all invited on Saturday 24 November 2018 at 12.30pm to the wonderful cooking show by the food blogger Valentina Cappiello (from iFood) who will create a delicious Chiffon Cake using Cremadelizia, Waferini and Babette Babbi! NOT TO BE MISSED!!
The workshop will take place at the Teatro Food inside the showgrounds; entrance is free and no booking required!
Participants will also receive a small Babbi gift!!!
Looking forward to seeing you!!!
#ilovebabbi #ifoodit #ilmondocreativo #cucinacreativa #teatrofood
For info: https://www.ilmondocreativo.it/iniziative/teatro-food/9006.html