Cookacademy – Christmas Pastry Course
Custard, sponge cake, shortcrust pastry, bavaroise, cream puff, desserts, meringues, slushies, fruit lollies and vegan pastries:
how much time and how much energy do we need to serve an elegant and imaginative dish?
Babbi and Cookacademy will answer all your questions in the Pastry Course that will take place in our show room on 5 – 6 – 13 – 14 December 2016 and which will be organised as follows:
- BASIC PASTRY MAKING: sponge, shortcrust pastry, cream puff, puff pastry.
- ADVANCED PASTRY MAKING: biscuits, bavaroise, cream, meringues.
- VEGAN: vegan pastries, granite, fresh fruit ice lollies.
- RESTAURANT DESSERTS: single portions, dish desserts, decorations and … SPONGE CAKE!
A knowledge of ingredients, doses, means of preparation, attention to details, concentration, passion, simplicity and the elaboration techniques allow the most diverse creations.
Cookacademy is a creative laboratory linked to the world of gastronomy. A real hive of ideas, it is a new point of reference in the panorama of centers of wine and food culture, dedicated to food lovers and professionals who move in the world of food. With meetings events and programmed courses, Cook Academy represents an important cultural baggage, as well as the precursor of new trends, working as a point of exchange between the companies of the sector and the public user.
For more information, see www.cookacademy.it