From 26 February to 1 March 2019 BABBI and its Ingredients for Craft Gelato, Cold Pastries, Cones and Gelato Wafers will participate at EXPOCOOK in Palermo together with Chinnici Arredamenti.
Four days at Fiera del Mediterraneo in Palermo, with the participation of the great chefs of showcooking, conference, tasting and awards. The main objective of Expocook is to “create a system within a sector that has grown enormously in recent years – says Fabio Sciortino, one of the organisers – we want to create an annual event for Sicily and for all those who love the world of cooking. We are particularly proud of having involved the large national companies of the sector, that had not been present in Sicily for many years, and bringing to the fore both regional excellent products and territorial ones”.
For more information see www.expocook.org